Friday, June 12, 2009

WRT: Vive le Stargate

It occurs to me that people may spend as much time as I do surfing the internet regarding items of interest and as a result may somehow stumble upon this crazy blog. My self-imposed context of one hundred words is constraining and so my post regarding a hypothetical reality show based around Stargate fans may seem a bit scanty.

For your interest, my sources were the following Stargate Solutions blog posts:

June 8, 2009
The item that initially informed me of said reality show.


June 12, 2009
The item that indicated that the project was not by any means greenlit and full steam ahead.

For the most part, I am not a fan of reality television. I think that by and large it is incredibly exploitive and lacking in entertainment or informative value. I have been proved wrong by such shows as "The Biggest Loser" and "The Amazing Race" but given the fact that there is an entire channel dedicated to reality television I'm not exactly holding my breath.

All of my experiences with Stargate fandom and those directly involved with the production of Stargate in all its conceptions have been positive and showed only respect for the fans. My original post might indicate that I think otherwise of the folks over at Bridge Studios and that is not the case. I recently attended the Stargate Convention held here in Burnaby, B.C. and from the tour to answering questions and some blush-raising propositions everyone involved was courteous and made the event a real pleasure.

It's also possible that from my initial post you might think that the folks manning the helm of Stargate were involved with this hypothetical endeavour. Such, again, is not the case. The full details pretty much amount to a casting call for fans. The rest is airy meanderings on my part. Apparently I'm a closet pessimist!

I enjoyed the Trekkie movies and were one to be made about Stargate I'm sure I would be interested in checking it out. (As I said in the original post, if I lived in LA maybe I would've gone to the hypothetical filming call! I am, in fact, a huge Stargate keener.) From the looks of things, this project is not going to be Stargate's "Trekkies". I'll keep tuned to my RSS feed.

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