Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Vive le Stargate!

There is going to be a reality show pitched along the lines of the “Trekkies” movies but for Stargate fans. I’d want to go but for the fact that it’s in LA and the inevitable fact that those on the show will look like freaks. Thus far there is no indication that the host will be someone as kind and dedicated to the show as Denise Crosby (a.k.a. Tasha Yar). Even with Denise hosting the general viewership outside of fandom thought that here was evidence that those Trekkies really are crazy. It’s all fun and games…unless you’re a red shirt.


  1. Hi Kirsten:

    I have checked with a couple of people from Stargate who claim not to know anything about this....


  2. Hi there BillieO

    Well, following this post another update was provided at Stargate Solutions that indicated that the project seemed to be lacking impetus.

    The initial information came from this post: http://stargate-sg1-solutions.com/blog/2009/06/la-gaters-wanted-for-reality-show-pilot/

    and the follow-up item here:

    I'm curious to know what got you to this blog since I think that all of two people read it (including my mother).

