I originally began this post on September 13th. Like many of my ideas, I got sidetracked along the way. So please take this as a window into the past before we get to the present.
Yesterday I went for my first run since mid-June. Let me tell you, it was not a thing of beauty. No, this was running circa 2006 when I first decided that maybe spending all my time reading fanfic and watching CSI and BSG was maaaaybe not the best idea. Between work and reading fanfic, I actually had to get a stronger prescription because my eyes were so tired from staring at a computer screen for so many hours a day. True story.
So anyway, yesterday I was running one minute intervals with my fancy new Nike+ watch that I got right before I was told to not run/play soccer for the summer. BAM! Fall is here! And I can start to build up my cardio and any sort of habitual running again because last week as I ran for the bus to go to my massage therapy appointment, I almost died. (I'm fairly certain that the folks sitting next me on the bus were thinking, oh shit, if she has some kind fit then I'm going to be late because they'll have to call an ambulance.... I mean, if those people were anything like me when I lived with an old woman with a bad ticker, type I diabetes and a house with a basement -- I was routinely afraid something like that would happen. So, you know, reversal of expectations?) Also I went to my soccer practice three days ago and my teammate said, hey, your lips are purple.... With the tone of voice that indicates that perhaps, just maybe, they shouldn't really be that colour. I mean, I am pale but I guess it's hard to call purple lips just a by-product of a healthy pallor.
My point about going for a run with the fancypants watch was that it is like having a digital cheerleader. It has messages for running your fastest mile/kilometer, your longest distance, or for just getting out and running at all. It also has little reminders and asks when you're going to run next. I love it. Aside from the pace and distance and heart rate functions, it's just a fun little watch that wants to go running with you.
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