Tuesday, October 12, 2010

W/A Lone wolf

Weekend Assignment #337: Lone Wolf, or Part of the Pack?

Some people are happiest when they're part of a group. They may be leader of the pack, or actively contribute to the group's efforts, or simply hang out with the others for companionship, and any scraps they may get. Other people are more the lone wolf type: the explorers, the loners, given to solitary effort and independent thought. Where do you prefer to function in human society: as part of a group, or your own, or in some combination of the two?

I think that I am some combination of the lone wolf and pack. I enjoy being with friends and family; I love how even if you’ve known someone for a long time you will always learn something new. The interactions in a group encourage me to grow and reconsider my opinions. There are also just some things that are more fun to do in a group: bowling, games, conversation. I also value my down time alone to read, watch TV or movies. I like to do puzzles or go to a restaurant and enjoy a leisurely meal with my book.

Extra Credit: Is there a group with which you're currently affiliated that is especially important to you? What is your relationship with that group?

I have two main groups of friends that make up the bulk of my friendships: those I know through running and those that I know through soccer. I have the same role in both groups: I consider myself to be a facilitator. I will do research for a proposed event and I will organize resources. I can be good at getting the ball rolling on some projects but ultimately I have a problem seeing things through to the end. I am the not best leader because I will be unable to make a firm decision between many options for the group.

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