Saturday, October 3, 2009


I received my first email regarding National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) in November yesterday. Each year for the past three years I have signed up and tried to write my 50,000 words in a month (well, last year I didn’t even try). It means writing 1,666 words a day for the month of November – I can barely get in my 100 words a day here. It comes down to the question I’ve had since graduating university – do I actually want to be a writer? Everyone has one story to tell, theirs, but is it one worth the telling? Or reading?

1 comment:

  1. Everyone has a story to it worth sharing? Maybe?

    But everyone has moments to share...moments of life both glorious and humble, moments of gratitude and despair, moments of insight and clarity, moments of great feeling and moments of numbness, moments that demand to be shared with words only you can craft, moments that can move us as much in a hundred words as in a thousand pages.

    I think the true spirit of the writer is in these moments. And I for one am very glad that you share them with us.
